(A cat is a cat is a cat) or cat attack-tics
30 Seconds to Mars: Up in the Air (2013 Music Video)
Ace Ventura: Zew natury (1995)
Afrykanskie koty (2011)
American Horror Story 4 (odc. 5 i 9)
Animal (2021)
Animal Crackers (2017)
Another Period (2013–2018), Episode: Séance (2018)
Arena (2013) PL
Arka Noego (1933)
Atlas Pro (2018– ), Episode: The Biogeography of the Ice Age (2020)
Babar zwycięzca (1989)
Baby Einstein (1997– ), Episode: Baby Monet (2005)
Bingo i Bongo - odcinek 2: Zebra i pies
Bogowie muszą być szaleni (1980)
Bogowie muszą być szaleni II (1989)
Bomba: The Jungle Boy (1949)
Brygada specjalna (1982), Episode: The Butler Did It (A Bird in the Hand) (1982)
Call Me Bwana (1963)
Chrzaszczyki (sezon 2), odc .62
David Attenborough: Życie w kolorze (2021), Episode: Hiding in Colour (2021)
Deadly 60 (2009– ), Episode: On a Mission - Namibian Savannah (2010)
Doktor Dolittle 1967
Double Standards (1993)
Dumbo (1941)
Dzambo, Kilimandzaro! (1999)
Dzieci przekletych 1963
Dziecko buszu
Dzielny lew Eryk (PL), sezon 3, odc. 1
Dzikie historie
Elephant Tales (2006)
Episode: Afrikka (2016)
Evan Wszechmogący (2007)
Eyewitness (1994– ), Episode: Prehistoric Life (1996)
Eyewitness (1994– ),Episode: Mammal (1996)
Frasier (1993–2004), Episode: Dark Victory (1995)
Futurama: Przygody Fry'a W Kosmosie (1999–2023), Episode: The Beast with a Billion Backs: Part 4 (2008)
Futurama: Przygody Fry'a W Kosmosie (1999–2023), Episode: The Futurama Holiday Spectacular (2010)
Gang Olsena: Paryski plan (zebra na obrazie)
Jill i Joy
Jumanji (1995)
Jumbo (1962)
Khumba (2013)
Król lew (1994)
Król lew (2019)
La cebra (2011)
Le monde selon Tippi (1997 TV Movie)
Leśna gazetka, odc .2
Lion vs zebra (saved by whatsapp) - The Lion King hunting - hilarious cartoon
Lwia straż (2015–2022)
Madagaskar (2005)
Madagaskar 2 (2008)
Madagaskar 3 (2012)
Madagaskar 4 (
Madagwiazdka (2009 TV Short)
Madventures (2002– ), Episode: Afrikka 1 (2005)
Mia i biały lew (2018)
Mogambo (1953)
My Little Pony: Przyjaźń to Magia (2010–2020), Episode: Bridle Gossip (2010)
Nasza planeta (2019), Episode: From Deserts to Grasslands (2019)
Nasza planeta (2019), Episode: One Planet (2019)
Natural Curiosities (2013– ), Episode: Seeing the Pattern (2013)
Nawet myszy ida do nieba
Nie bój się lwa (2004–2005), Episode: Possession (2004)
Noah's Ark (1959)
Noc w muzeum (2006)
O zwierzętach i ludziach (2019)
Pana Magorium cudowne emporium (2007)
Panda i Banda (2019)
Planeta Ziemia (2006), Episode: Fresh Water (2006)
Przepis na amerykański sen (2015–2020), Episode: Sisters Without Subtext (2017)
Punda the Zebra - The Tale of an Unusual Hero, 2017
Safari, 2016
Schoolhouse Rock! (1973–2009), Episode: The Four-Legged Zoo (1973)
Secret Safari: Into the Wild (2021– ), Episode: Episode #1.2 (2021)
Sesame Street - Z is for zebra & zoo
Sheena – królowa dżungli (1984)
Sheena (2000–2002), Episode: Sheena (Pilot) (2000)
Skarby króla Salomona (1950)
Slap Happy Lion (1947)
Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021– ), Episode: Good Guy Gobby/Spider Monkey (2021)
Sprawa dla Frosta (1992–2010), Episode: Endangered Species (2006)
Szkoła przetrwania (2006–2020), Episode: African Savannah (2006)
Szkoła przetrwania (2006–2020), Episode: Bear Eats (2007)
Szwajcarska rodzina Robinsonów (1960)
Świat z lotu ptaka (2011–2012), Episode: Africa (2012)
Tabu (2017– ), Episode: Episode #1.2 (2017)
The Celebrity Apprentice Australia (2011–2022),Episode: Madame Tussauds Sleepover Experience (2021)
The Incredible Hulk (1977–1982), Episode: The Beast Within (1978)
The Mating Game (2021), Episode: Grasslands: In Plain Sight (2021)
The Zoo: San Diego (2019– ), Episode: Cooking for 7,000 (2019)
The Zoo: San Diego (2019– ), Episode: Panda-monium (2019)
Thunderbirds (1965–1966), Episode: Pit of Peril (1965)
Timon i Pumba (1995–1999), Episode: The Running of the Bullies/Special Defects (1999)
Timon i Pumba (1995–1999), Episode: Yosemite Remedy/Rafiki Fables: The Sky Is Calling (1995)
Tomek i przyjaciele (1984–2021), Episode: Thomas' Animal Ark (2018)
Toransufômâ: Kârobotto (2000), Episode: Bakusô! Indy Heat!! (2000)
Transformers (1984–1987), Episode: Changing Gears (1985)
Transformers 3 (2011)
Ukrali zebru (1972)
Ulica Sezamkowa (1969– ), Episode: Mr. Herry Get Your Glasses (1979)
Urodziłem się, ale... (1932)
Uwaga niebezpieczeństwo! Część 3: Zebra (1969)
Visite au jardin zoologique de Londres (1909)
W matni (2019–2020), Episode: Behind God's Back (2020)
W matni (2019–2020), Episode: Terrible, Shocking Things (2020)
Wielkie migracje (2010– ), Episode: Behind the Scenes (2010)
Wielkie migracje (2010– ), Episode: Race to Survive (2010)
Wildlife on One (1977–2005), Episode: Zebras: The Trailblazers (1997)
Współczesna rodzina (2009–2020), Episode: Fulgencio (2013)
XMIX (2009– ), Episode: De eieren (2010)
Z is for Zebra (1952)
Zabójcza dziesiątka: szalone ataki, Sezon 1, odc. 1
Zebra (1971)
Zebra (2020)
Zebra and all the Curtains of my Life
Zebra cartoon funny adventures – Animalikeus
Zebra Girl
Zebra w kuchni (1965)
Zebra z klasą (2005)
Zebra Zou (serial animowany)
Zebraman, 2004
Ziemia nocą (serial, odc. 1: Równiny w świetle księżyca)
Ziemia: Niezwykły dzień z życia planety (2017)
Zoo (2015–2017), Episode: Emotional Contagion (2015)
Zoo Sez. 1, odc. 1, 10
Życie (2009), Episode: Challenges of Life (2009)
Życie Pi (2012)